Must Read Ebooks To Prevent Illnesses & Remain Fit & Healthy

Knowledge is Power and when it comes to keeping oneself Healthy and Disease Free then it become invaluable. Everyone can’t graduate and get degrees and certificates in Dietetics and Nutrition. Hence to remain fit and disease free, you need to have the requisite levels of knowledge to keep going. It’s here that the knowledge, tips and tricks of reputed Nutritionists, Doctors and Dieticians comes in handy and that you can access in the form of Ebooks etc.

Our Team at India Nutrition has tried to research and bring you some of the best Health & Fitness related material in reach of your screen. Most of this value add material has a cost to it. However we have tried to keep it FREE or at most make it availble at a Token Cost of $1 (USD One Only) to you to download. The token cost being just to ensure that none misuses this facility extended exclusively to our readers at

Shubi Husain’s Diabetes Diet Plan

Price: $49.5 $27.00 Only

100 Diet Tips (Help You Lose Weight Effectively)

Price $49.0 Now $ 1.0 Only

Mother’s Guide To Child’s Health (Must Read For Young Mothers)

Price: $49.5 $1.00 Only

Walking For Fitness

Price: $49.5 $1.00 Only

Valentine’s Day Recipes

Price: $49.5 $1.00 Only

How to improve your memory

How To Improve Your Memory?

Price: $49.5 $17.00 Only

Helping Your Child Succeed At School

Price: $ 37.00 Now For $ 17.00 Only