woman astrologer sohini sastri kolkata

Top 10 Most Famous Astrologers In India | N4M...

  Bejan Daruwalla Named as one of the top astrologers of India, he is the astrologer to the rich and famous. He gained massive recognition when...
top nutritionist and lifestyle celebrity shubi husain

‘Hard Working And Passionate’ Sums Up India’s Top Nutritionist Shubi Husain

Rather than recommending medicine, Shubi Husain, the leading Asian nutritionist, prevents and cures diseases with her innovative diet plans and diet programs. For her,...
post pregnancy weight gain

Post Pregnancy Weight Gain That Many Women Are Afraid Of

Ladies, take note! A steady weight gain even after pregnancy may be a result of your lifestyle choices, such as eating your child's leftovers...
doctors - no more noble profession

Medicine, A Noble Profession In India – NO MORE!

Since early childhood, I’ve often heard my mom say, Doctors are special beings. They are to take an oath during their convocation; they would...
Going crazy to get in Shape

Going Crazy To Get In Shape? Know The Correct Mantra

The Fitness Craze Lately many people around the globe are going crazy about being fit or precisely trying to look physically attractive especially the younger...
Positive Thinking And Health


POSITIVE THINKING AND YOUR HEALTH: “You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.” While everyone...
Expand your palate - go global

Expanding The Palate – Going Global

Change is the only constant thing in this world. We need to change ourselves with time, our approach towards life and its problems, thinking,...
Health Sanctuary - Wellness Centres

Health Sanctuary Reviews – Weight Loss And Anti-Ageing Chain Of Clinics

Health Sanctuary, a company launched by award winning nutritionist and lifestyle celebrity Shubi Husain in the year 2003 has been one of the most...

Streaming Full Movie Split (2017) Online

Split (2017) HDDirector:M. Night...
Weight Loss Mistakes We Make

8 Weight Loss Mistakes You Often Make

To conquer your weight loss struggles, you often make weight loss mistakes that worsen the situation. Here is a list of eight most common ones