Latest Robotic Surgery

Latest Robotic Surgery Comes To The Rescue Of 17-Month Child –...

In a first, a child of tender age of just 17 months underwent a successful Robotic surgery, performed by team led by Dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Head dePediatric Urology Department at Citizens Specialty Hospital.
Obesity linked to kidney disease

Obesity Linked To Development and Progression Of Kindney Diseases Amongst Indians

Indians have "alarmingly" high levels of body mass index and waist circumference, according to a new study which highlights the link between obesity and...


Topmost Fashion Tips

Topmost Fashion Tips, You Just Can’t Do Without

Fashion mishaps can harm your self-esteem. Want to change your fashion ways? This article has many great suggestions and tips to keep you looking...
Obesity in Corporate world

Losing Weight To Gain Confidence In The Competitive Corporate World

Can you gauge the amount of adulations and a sense of contentment a person acquires when he or she is able to fight and...
Eating and Exercising For Good Health Weight Loss

Eating And Exercising For Good Health And Weight Loss

Many people struggle every day to get and stay at a healthy weight. With temptations constantly surrounding us, this is not an easy thing...
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High Protein Diet

Is A High Protein Diet Effective For Weight Loss?

For most healthy people a high protein diet is effective and safe when followed for a short period of time. Such diets help you...
Expand your palate - go global

Expanding The Palate – Going Global

Change is the only constant thing in this world. We need to change ourselves with time, our approach towards life and its problems, thinking,...
Weight Loss Mistakes We Make

8 Weight Loss Mistakes You Often Make

To conquer your weight loss struggles, you often make weight loss mistakes that worsen the situation. Here is a list of eight most common ones
Covid-19 Vaccines and Cancer Patients

Covid-19 Vaccines And Cancer Patients – All That You Wanted To Know

As COVID-19 pandemic, continues to impact people, including cancer patients, care givers etc, here is All That You Wanted To Know About It.
Going crazy to get in Shape

Going Crazy To Get In Shape? Know The Correct Mantra

The Fitness Craze Lately many people around the globe are going crazy about being fit or...
Health Sanctuary - Wellness Centres

Health Sanctuary Reviews – Weight Loss And Anti-Ageing Chain Of Clinics

Health Sanctuary, a company launched by award winning nutritionist and lifestyle celebrity Shubi Husain in...
getting braces

Advice For Getting Braces As An Adult: 3 Helpful Tips

Unlike a decade back, adults are now receiving orthodontic treatments in far greater numbers. Here are few helpful tips for getting braces as an adult.
I want to lose weight fast and quick

Want To Lose Weight? Here Are A Few Effective Ways To Lose That Belly Fat

New Delhi, 03 Sep 17 (ANI): Am sure, you too want to lose weight, fast...


Foam Rollers to Add to Your Home Gym

Khloe Kardashian has been hitting the gym hard and has not been letting herself slack, no matter what is going on in her life,...


doctors - no more noble profession

Medicine, A Noble Profession In India – NO MORE!

Since early childhood, I’ve often heard my mom say, Doctors are special beings. They are to take an oath during their convocation; they would...
Best Cuisines In the world - japanese

Best Cuisines In The World – Nations Ranked By N4M Surveys

Eating healthy is beyond salad and grilled chickens. It is in fact much more if we consider the ethnic, time tested cuisines from around...
The Bionic Eye

Ever Heard Of The Bionic Eye And The Amazing Technology Behind...

A Thrilling Futuristic Technology, Let's Explore and Understand The Bionic Eye. How It Works? It's Advantages And Cost Effectivity.
Obesity Epidemic - heart ailments

Obesity Epidemic Spreads Across India, One-Fifth Of Women Are Overweight

The proportion of overweight men in India has doubled over the past decade, according to a latest government health survey which also found that...